June 1

Hello all, 

It's been a rough day at sea today. But the aggressive rocking of the boat has given me time to reflect on our journey. Over the course of the past two days, we have deployed and recovered three dimmersal long lines. The first brought an incredible amount of lil gulper sharks, which I learned to dissect on the go. I did not foresee myself becoming a nursing maid for sharks, but here I stand after delivering multiple shark babies. The second line yielded many red snapper, which lived up to their name by being both red and being ready to snap you. We had 32 (including the disembodied heads) by the end of the line. Speaking of the heads, there were so many heads. Just heads. Both shark and red snapper heads, just comin on up without their bodies. Twas quite the sight to behold. On the second day of long lining, we put our third line in and, while the load was much lighter than the two previous days, had a good amount of tilefish. And less heads, which was nice. I would speak about the activities of today, but unfortunately that has mainly consisted of periodic walks to the side of the boat, sleeping, and watching an ungodly amount of 80's movies. All will be well soon, sacrifices have been made to the weather god in hopes of better weather on the horizon and there is still ice cream, although the stockpile is diminishing. Until we see you on land, best wishes. 


Hey all,

Today has been quite a rough day. We're steaming back to land, but the aggressive rocking of the boat has caused most of us to become seasick. I haven't gotten sea sick, but the only thing that has been keeping me relatively fine is laying down when I'm inside. This has lead to many naps on my part.  When I'm not napping, I'm laying down in the galley watching the many 80's movies that are being put on. In the evening, sitting by the CTD garage and watching the waves. The stockpile of ice cream has been slowly diminishing throughout the day. I believe that we are on our last layer. The evening ended with mostly everyone sitting out on the docks watching the waves and the sunset, until it started raining. After that we all went inside and watched White Chicks in the galley before turning in for the night. Hopefully it will calm down soon as sacrifices have been made to the Weather God in hopes that the rocking of the boat will soon calm.
